2016: The year that rocked politics

Whatever your political persuasion, there can be no doubting that 2016 was the year which sent shockwaves to the very core of global politics. We take a look at five reasons why the last 12 months will be looked back on in years to come as a hugely significant moment in history. The shy society … Continue reading 2016: The year that rocked politics

Banning the burka is long overdue

We spent time in the Middle East and Asia recently – first Dubai and then Thailand where a significant Muslim population resides in the south. It was an eye-opening experience for many reasons but one pertinent memory was the distinct lack of Muslim women wearing the burka or niqab face-coverings. Instead the vast majority opted … Continue reading Banning the burka is long overdue

Time to fight political correctness head on

“Political correctness has gone mad” must be one of the most overused phrases in modern society. So much is written and said about political correctness and the so-called ‘PC brigade’ that your eyes begin to gloss over at the very mention of it. Much of it is so downright barmy and ridiculous that a sense … Continue reading Time to fight political correctness head on

The birth of Shy Society

Twenty-first century Britain. A bastion of democracy where respect for different opinions, diversity and tradition are paramount. A land where high quality investigative journalism leads to open and honest debate, where politicians represent their constituents in the birthplace of modern parliamentary democracy and where big business is transparent and acts with integrity. A shining example … Continue reading The birth of Shy Society